Toner (Alcohal) Leather Dyes

Toner (Alcohal) Leather Dyes
✅ Package Content : One unit of 900 ML, 200 ML, 100 ML or 50 ML
✅ Used For : To Stain or Color the top surface of leather product or craft.
✅ Dye up to : 50 ML dye will dye up-to 2 sq ft leather, 100 ML will dye up-to 4 sq ft leather and 200 ML dye up-to 8 sq ft leather
✅ Vivid colors : We have come up with 10 different color available to you This amazing new line of brilliantly colored, toner-based ( you can use water or toner to dilute it) dye is the superior choice for dying leather surface.
- Expectation: All these colors are made considering veg ( neutral color) as reference, actual color outcome may be different basis item base color. For example - if you item is in Green color, dying it with red color will make it black color, not red color..
e.g. Green+Red = Black color.
Please ensure you are having right color choice while ordering - talk to us for help.
T&C : *changing color of dyed leather required tools and skills, its always depend on how we use both, Not getting desired result does not means product has defect

- Colors are made considering veg natural crust ( neutral color) as reference.
- Actual color outcome may be different basis item base color, ensure leather has good absorption capacity of dye.
- Water based dye - will harden the leather at some extent.
- Alcohol based dye -will not hard the leather.
- If you are expect go with Water based, else stick to alcohol based
- How color varies - if you craft is in Green color, dying it with red color will not red color, rather it tint green color.
1. Always wear protective gloves, mask, and safety goggles.
2. Shake the bottle well before use.
3. Apply a light layer by spray or sponge to check desired color.
4. Allow to dry properly.
5. Repeat the process again if necessary to achieve a darker color.
Great value for money :)
50 ML dye will dye up-to 3 sq ft leather, 150 ML will dye up-to 10 sq ft leather and 200 ML dye up-to 15 sq ft leather, off course for one coat, and already waxed or conditioned leather.
Do you know this dye stained the fiber of your leather ( like a cloth dye stain the fabric) wont be spilled/smudge or get off from your art/article. or craft.
Happy crafting !!
Zero loss theory applied here :)
Great collection of leather for Wallets, bags,belts, shoes and many more articles.